gun control

2406 days ago

Red faces for the liberal media after America's "biggest mass shooting" - which was not

As a prelude to the inevitable rants about the need for Gun Control and wicked Republicans/Donald Trump having blood on their hands for opposing it, the liberal media instantaneously declared the awful events in Las Vegas as "America's biggest mass shooting". With bodies not yet in the mortuary the Democrats and their buddies in the media were point scoring. But then they realised an inconvenient truth. Racists!


3073 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard #135: Guns and knives don't kill, people do - I want a gun

In the wake of the San Bernadino gun massacre the lefty liberal elite on both sides of the Atlantic are using these tragic deaths as a battering ram to fight for gun control. Presumably after the attack by another Islamofascist in London last night they also want knife control? Guns and knives don't kill. People kill. And criminals and terrorists will always secure access to firearms. As someone who is neither I should be free to own a gun to protect myself. Making more guns available will make innocent people safer from those who will always gain access to firearms with a view to crime. I want the right to carry a gun in the UK as well as here in Greece as I explain in this week's postcard.


4150 days ago

I am sorry about Newtown but Guns Save Lives

In the wake of the dreadful slaughter of the innocents at Newtown Connecticut the response of the liberal left has been to argue for tighter controls on gun ownership. In bankrupt Britain the usual suspects at the Guardian and BBC say “is it not time that America caught up with us and banned gun ownership as we did after Dunblane?” In the US, Obama and the other liberals want to go down the British route. They are all wrong. Guns save lives.

One can play whatever games you want with statistics. But here are a few.
